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perfect body

  • FIlmy - kulturystyce

    Po siłowni, o siłowni

    [...] as a professional bodybuilder, he has taken the industry by storm. Not only has he made history by winning four consecutive pro shows in 1993, but he won three of them with perfect scores! But that wasn’t enough for FLEX. He went on to place second in his first appearance at Joe Weider’s Mr. Olympia competition. How Did Flx [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 30 Ilość wyświetleń: 11389 Data: 2009-02-06 21:16:50 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)

    Odżywianie i Odchudzanie

    [...] osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis, prostrate, and kidney problems. One cup provides the equivalent anti-cancer activity of 10 servings of tofu. This delicious tea is a perfect choice for daily body cleansing, anti-aging, and body balance. Just two servings of this great tasting soy-isoflavone concentrate supply isoflavones (100 mg./ml, 10% [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 17 Ilość wyświetleń: 12985 Data: 2001-09-11 15:52:39 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • [...] upon the drugs and classical cycles that have been utilized by athletes in the past. Re-explaining this information here would be a waste of the reader’s time and perfectly happy trees. “Building The Perfect Beast (Frank N. Steroid)” is a continuance of the discussion of advanced chemical protocols begun in [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 41 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2005-03-07 11:03:45 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)

    Aktualności - Sporty Siłowe

    [...] used to training your muscles repair themselves fairly quickly generally within 2-3 days. Also, you need not be 100% recovered to train again (every single cell absolutely perfect and returned to baseline). When you tan do you tan real hard one day and then wait inside until you are pasty white again? No, you have tolerable periodic exposure [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 417 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2006-12-01 12:05:32 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Burn the fat by Tom Venuto

    Odżywianie i Odchudzanie

    [...] mass were lost. Weight Loss Scenario 3: What if he only lost two pounds? Here are the results: 258 lbs 31.5% body fat 81.2 lbs fat 176.8 lbs lean body mass These results are perfect. Even though our subject has only lost two pounds, which seems slow, 100% of the two pound weight loss came from fat and he kept ALL the muscle! Weight Loss Scenario [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 30 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2008-11-19 13:10:41 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • dziekuje bardzo firmie NATURES BEST zawartosc paczki: -napoje: * perfect amino * 3x easy body - active burn w roznych smakach * 2x qnt aquactive rozne smaki * perfect burner * qnt red booster * qnt blue booster * 2x qnt rehydration water * 2x red force rozne smaki * 2x carbo power high energy rozne smaki - perfect aminos 3000 300tab - qnt [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 662 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2008-05-16 15:56:29 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)

    Odżywki i suplementy

    [...] fat, maintain healthy cholesterol levels, promoted endurance, an increased state of vitality, and increased the body's ability to use oxygen! In other words, these are the perfect anabolic supplements - without the negatives of steroids! 2. What does it do and what scientific studies give evidence to support this? In a nutshell, [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 19 Ilość wyświetleń: 3271 Data: 2006-02-07 15:33:37 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • nowa siłownia na Jarotach?


    [...] temaat akurat dla mnie aktualny bo wlasnie niedwano zaczalem tam chodzic... Otoz mialem dwu czy trzy miesieczna przerwe w treningach, wczesniej chodzilem caly czas do body perfect ale po zmianie cennikow tamtejszych, ceny oferowane w sylwetce okazaly nie byc sie takimi strasznie wysokimi. Otoz obecnie w body Perfect karnet studencki koszztuje [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 13 Ilość wyświetleń: 4486 Data: 2007-06-12 22:56:55 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Burn the fat by Tom Venuto

    Odżywianie i Odchudzanie

    [...] much higher or much lower than the average person. If a diet program recommends the same amount of calories for everyone, that should be a red flag to stay away. It could be perfect for someone else, but starvation level for you. 3. Decrease your calories just a little below maintenance. Decrease your calories conservatively - only about 20% [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 30 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2008-11-03 16:44:41 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • PIĘKNE UDA - jak to zrobić ?

    Odżywianie i Odchudzanie

    [...] retain some of its fat. However, don't try this if you are in your 30s and beyond because your face will show the suffering you are going through just to have a "perfect" body. It would be wonderful if we could remove fat only from the areas where we have too much and put on fat in parts of our body that have too little. Then we [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 75 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2004-07-16 09:40:55 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Burn the fat by Tom Venuto

    Odżywianie i Odchudzanie

    [...] in, what type of exercise you do, how frequently you exercise, how long you exercise and how hard you exercise Your first step if you want to achieve and maintain your perfect weight, is to accept 100% responsibility for your weight and your health. When the going gets tough, it’s easy to blame and make excuses. But blaming [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 30 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2008-11-12 12:56:22 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • transportery kreatyny

    Odżywki i suplementy

    [...] What are the claims? What is the mechanism of action? The claims made by those selling the stuff are as follows: "… the ultimate, "perfect" anabolic agent. You may be saying to yourself, "I've heard this story before." Well, you may have, but this time the story has a different ending [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 27 Ilość wyświetleń: 4020 Data: 2003-11-11 14:51:15 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • [...] the sutras, practices meditations, and as a result experiences several strongest satori. Ever intent on concentration, joyful in peace of letting go, mindful, wise, the perfect Buddhas - to even the gods they are dear. (Dhammapada) That was necessary for opening your inner strength or inner nature, to bring “emptiness” to [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 34 Ilość wyświetleń: 4633 Data: 2010-02-22 09:21:04 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Andreas Munzer

    Z archiwum kulturystyki

    [...] for three years. Long before he was the Predator and Conan the Barbarian, a decade before he became the Terminator, he was the Austrian Oak, an indelible vision of human perfection. George Butler saw it, and so did Charles Gaines, but they didn't see it as Joe Weider did, or as the bodybuilding fans did, or even as the bodybuilders themselves [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 357 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2005-12-30 15:47:06 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • [...] for three years. Long before he was the Predator and Conan the Barbarian, a decade before he became the Terminator, he was the Austrian Oak, an indelible vision of human perfection. George Butler saw it, and so did Charles Gaines, but they didn't see it as Joe Weider did, or as the bodybuilding fans did, or even as the bodybuilders themselves [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 44 Ilość wyświetleń: 14499 Data: 2007-03-03 19:29:15 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • [...] friends and clients, who put their faith in me, and assisted me by using my protocols. Through their invaluable feedback and experience, they enabled me to refine and perfect my overall program. Without them, this all would be nothing but theory. Some are former and present members of this fine board. And thank you, for taking the time to [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 329 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2009-11-23 10:33:32 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Silownia po kontuzji kolana??

    Odżywianie i Odchudzanie

    [...] with high training volume and basically no rest at all. Some might even go as far as risking their freedom by utilizing illegal fat loss drugs. So, we should see countless perfect bodies in every gym in North America, right? Well, we should, but we don't! How could that be? The problem is certainly not in the lack of effort. However, most [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 40 Ilość wyświetleń: 7797 Data: 2005-04-27 10:54:49 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • dieta i trenig do oceny

    Junior SFD - pierwsze kroki na siłowni i w sporcie

    kurcze i znowu wszedzie inne informacje na temat regeneracji ty piszesz ze zamala przerwa miedzy treningiem klatki piersowej a ostatno wyczytalem w Body Perfect o treningu jednej partii nawet trzy razy w tygodnu Artykul ze str.11 Body Perfect nr 22 lipiec/sierpien 2013 ciezko usystematyzowac co kolwiek wszedzie sprzeczne info odp do OzzyMG

    Odpowiedzi: 50 Ilość wyświetleń: 3628 Data: 2013-07-19 22:20:10 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • [...] is perhaps the most suitable steroid because of its moderate estrogen levels that allow for the benefits, but not the side-effects of aromatization. And no doubt the perfect balance is partially responsible for stimulation of the appetite. For athletes of sports other than strength sports or bodybuilding will also note that boldenone is [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 11 Ilość wyświetleń: 2844 Data: 2004-05-29 22:27:36 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • NOWOŚĆ- ALA 200


    [...] against exercise-induced oxidative stress, and shown it to be superior to other antioxidants in this respect (8, 9). 3. How does ALA work? Many have called ALA the "perfect antioxidant." This is because ALA does not exhibit many of the weaknesses found in many common antioxidants, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, beta carotene, [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 62 Ilość wyświetleń: 12047 Data: 2004-03-02 15:34:54 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)